Whats in a pic???
Published by FlotsaM under on 6:05 PM
God knows whats the magic captured in a pic.Quite true that a pic emotes thousand words.Perhaps its leads to a psychological transpose into a world different from the one in which we harbour.Makes us nostalgic..Is that it?May be, for me a pic holds an extended significance.It acts nothing short of oxygen for me, given the reason , that i am a man who lives more in the past than in the present .Whenever i flip throught the old pics of school, there is a sense of victory when i see myself flanked with friends ,whose importance in my life has still not withered a bit.They are still as much close as they were before, and i thank God for that.
But at the same time, i find myslef barely managing to remember names of few ones with whom, my acquaintance is limited to just a orkut scrap here and there.A lot of promises had been made of staying connected in the parting days and what is left now, are the vague images of them and nothing else.A sense of guilt occupies me,overwhelming enough to put me in the escapist mode.Hence, what i do, is console myself by assuming this is the part of the entire list of compromises one makes throughout one's life.
Why is that the face in the pic, unfailingly looks happier , than the one in mirror.Is it just a misinterpretation or an edification of the fact the past is always rosier than the present. A constant reminder that worse is yet to come!Such thought-process may be a natural result of a myopic and pessimistic mindset. And yes, i admit from the core of my heart , that i am one....
I am sure most of us may not be so introspective while observing the pics.This is quite natural as there are better ways to consume time than examining a pic.
But for the rest, a pic holds a special meaning. It acts as a bookmark of life.
But for the rest, a pic holds a special meaning. It acts as a bookmark of life.
we do not 'see' pics...we 'visit' them!
We visit a pic, darling. So, true.
I almost have an urge to elaborate on your rich vein of thoughts as memories come tumbling to me.
You are my rare key to the past. I prefer more to blot out. You prefer to live.
now i know y, wen i open up my laptop and flip thru my modest collection of 'naughty america', u're pointin out on yours, a pic or two which are so overwhelming in their simplicity, n their power 2 trasport in time.
call yrself a pessimist, or a past-person... u r wuts keeping me connected 2 our grand college days, me being such a shameless present-person :) thanks for everything buddy!! u totally rock!!! n the post is, well, LEGEN... wait for it... DARY!!!
thanks shuvo and dio....This blog is dedicated to both of u.
Didn't know your this avtar.. rather we know so less about ourselves leave other people.... It was refreshing to read an honest post...
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